Frequently asked questions


How long is delivery?
Delivery is 5-10 working days, any of our exclusive items such as sweet filled boxes may take up to 14 working days.


When will I get tracking?
If you pay for tracked delivery once the order is fulfilled on our side it may take up to 72 hours for tracking to update, if you have not paid for tracking your parcel is not insured and tracking will not apply to your order.


I have received a different item than I ordered, what do I do? Sometimes suppliers alternate your items and if you are not happy with this please contact our Facebook page or our email address for a return, please look at our return page at the bottom of the site for more information.

Why does my product have a price mark?

Our company is a network marketing company, some items are price marked, we have to make our prices a little higher due to paying commissions for affiliates, subscriptions for our websites etc, if we didn’t do this we wouldn’t be able to have anyone work for us and earn money, only a few of our items are price marked.


Why have I received a refund for a item that was in stock when ordering?

We try our upmost best on keeping up to date with supplier stock however sometimes they can just randomly go out of stock at time of ordering.


How can I work for you?
If you are interested in joining us please contact our Facebook page and a member of the staff team will contact you.


Why aren’t you registered on companies house?

Companies house is only for limited companies, there is only one owner who is responsible for everything in the company, therefore we are not a limited company and are unable to be registered on companies house.